Tool Talks

MIT.nano Tool Talks are designed to introduce the latest transformative technologies, tools, methods and science advancements.

Tool Talks are sponsored by individual tool suppliers but geared toward the entire MIT community—applicable to a generalized scientific audience from materials science to electrical engineering, applied physics to biology and medicine, mechanical engineering to environmental science and more—for broadest impact and to provide educational value for all levels of students, postdocs, staff, faculty, and collaborators. 

Since September 2017, MIT.nano has hosted over 40 tool talks. See a quick snapshot of all the tool suppliers who have participated here.

Scheduled approximately once a month, MIT.nano Tool Talks are organized by Anna Osherov, associate director for Characterization.nano. These events are flexible in format to enable more learning and cross-pollination through the technical and scientific knowledge-based seminars, as well as discussions and/or demos. Occasionally, shorter Tool Talks Express seminars may also be offered to complement the regular monthly Tool Talks. Previous and upcoming events are listed on the MIT.nano website.

Sign up to receive tool talk announcements here.


Bayflex Solutions tool talk—Oct. 5

Join MIT.nano for a tool talk with Bayflex Solutions to learn about continuous mechanical testing solutions for flexible hybrid electronic applications.

11 a.m. – 12 p.m. EDT
MIT.nano 12-0168


Arradiance tool talk & demo—Sept. 13

Join MIT.nano for a workshop and demo with Arradiance. Learn about the new Arradiance GEMStar PEALD System recently installed in MIT.nano's cleanroom!

Seminar: 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. EDT
Demos: 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. EDT

Beneq tool talk—June 14

Join us for a virtual tool talk with Beneq and learn about their tool Beneq Transform, a versatile, automated ALD solution for high-throughput semiconductor production.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022
10 a.m. – 11 a.m. EDT

Attendees can join via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 945 8610 0937

NanoFrazor Tool Talk—May 26

Join us for a virtual tool talk with NanoFrazor on fabricating advanced 2D and 3D structures using thermal scanning probe lithography (t-SPL)

Thursday, May 26
10AM - 5PM (Talk: 1PM - 2PM)
>>Join via Zoom.