
Apply to join START.nano

We are currently accepting applications. Apply today

The selection process to join START.nano is led by MIT.nano. In its selection, MIT.nano may seek advice from its industry consortium members; MIT.nano advisors, including the START.nano Advisory Council; MIT faculty; and MIT organizations.

Participants are invited to the program for one year. If a startup requires continued access to MIT.nano’s facilities, they may apply for up to two more years of access at the discounted rate.

MIT.nano's deep-tech startup accelerator

List of START.nano ventures  Recent START.nano company news

Hard-tech companies face significant hurdles to success, especially in their early stages. For example, these startups typically spend their first few years and a substantial proportion of their early funding just to create the facilities they need to develop their technology.

START.nano offers early-stage, deep-tech startups discounted access to MIT.nano’s state-of-the-art laboratories:

Our goal is to minimize the cost of launching a nascent idea, to help increase the survival rate of promising companies, and to shorten the time it takes for their innovations to reach the market.

MIT.nano asks for no equity/IP in exchange for participating in the program.

What we offer to startups

Participating startups will have access to tools and other advantages that can help them create more well-developed prototypes, obtain validated data, set them on the path to success, and position them for the next stage of growth. Benefits to the startups include:

  • Access to state-of-the-art MIT.nano facilities and other open MIT toolsets to advance their ideas, reducing the need to invest in or construct facilities of their own.
  • Use of MIT.nano tools and facilities for R&D at a discounted rate, and use of other open toolsets at MIT at standard rates and terms.
  • Standard user support from MIT.nano staff and technicians in utilizing equipment and planning processes.
  • Quarterly gatherings of the startup cohort for networking and workshops
  • Eligibility to join the MIT Startup Exchange (STEX).
  • Introductions to the global companies that are members of the MIT.nano industry consortium.
  • Opportunities to network with industry and funding sources at MIT.nano conferences and events.
  • Opportunities to recruit MIT talent, including the annual MIT.nano career fair and Nano Summit.
  • Exposure to a network of further support in the MIT startup/innovation ecosystem.
  • A presence in the incomparable, innovative MIT community of scholars, researchers, and innovators.

Why START.nano?

MIT.nano does not ask for equity from participating startups. Our motivation is to advance MIT's mission to build a better world and our bottom line is impact. We benefit from START.nano by:

  • Advancing MIT's mission by speeding the transition of innovation to the marketplace.
  • Exposing our academic users—undergraduate students, graduate students, and post-doc—to the presence of start-ups in the MIT.nano facilities.
  • Enhancing MIT campus-wide partnerships to support entrepreneurship.


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