Tool Talks

MIT.nano Tool Talks are designed to introduce the latest transformative technologies, tools, methods and science advancements.

Tool Talks are sponsored by individual tool suppliers but geared toward the entire MIT community—applicable to a generalized scientific audience from materials science to electrical engineering, applied physics to biology and medicine, mechanical engineering to environmental science and more—for broadest impact and to provide educational value for all levels of students, postdocs, staff, faculty, and collaborators. 

Since September 2017, MIT.nano has hosted over 40 tool talks. See a quick snapshot of all the tool suppliers who have participated here.

Scheduled approximately once a month, MIT.nano Tool Talks are organized by Anna Osherov, associate director for Characterization.nano. These events are flexible in format to enable more learning and cross-pollination through the technical and scientific knowledge-based seminars, as well as discussions and/or demos. Occasionally, shorter Tool Talks Express seminars may also be offered to complement the regular monthly Tool Talks. Previous and upcoming events are listed on the MIT.nano website.

Sign up to receive tool talk announcements here.


Tool Talk with Rave Scientific and MEL-BUILD—Sept. 17

Join us for a virtual tool talk with Rave Scientific and MEL-BUILD to learn about the latest developments in acquiring atomic-scale information at cryogenic temperatures.

Thursday, September 17, 2020
11 am – 1 pm EST

Attendees can join and participate via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 945 8610 0937

Tool Talk with Attolight

Join us for a virtual tool talk with Attolight to learn about advancements in time-resolved quantitative cathodoluminescence spectroscopy.

Thursday, May 7, 2020
1 pm – 2 pm EST

Attendees can join and participate via Zoom.
Meeting ID# 860986455. 

Tool Talk and Workshop with Bruker

Join us for a tool talk and workshop with Bruker to learn about the use of HRXRD for detailed structural analysis of epitaxial structures.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020
10am–12pm Demonstration & HRXRD background
1pm–4pm Software workshop
12-0168, MIT.nano

Tool Talk with Anton Paar

Join us for a tool talk and live demos with Anton Paar to learn about the latest developments in the fields of surface nano-mechanical testing, rheology, and atomic force microscopes (AFM) imaging automation.

Thursday, February 27, 2020
11:00am–1:00pm Technology Presentations
1:00pm–2:00pm Live Instrument Demos
12-0168, MIT.nano (basement level), Building 12
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA

Tool Talk with Dynamic Biosensors

Join us for a tool talk with heliX to learn about next-generation modular biosensor for interaction and conformation analysis.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020
12-0168, MIT.nano (basement level), Building 12
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA

Tool Talks with Agilent Technologies

Join us for a tool talk and live demos with Agilent Technologies to learn about the latest innovations in chemical Imaging and versatile universal measurement UV-VIS-NIR spectrometry 

Thursday, January 23, 2020
11:00am–12:00pm Technology Presentations
12:00pm–2:00pm Live Instrument Demos
12-0168, MIT.nano (basement level), Building 12
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA

Tool Talks with Finetech

Join us for a tool talk with Finetech to learn about high accuracy advanced packaging and microelectronics assembly and view a silicon photonics device assembly live demo 

Thursday, January 16, 2020
12-0168, MIT.nano (basement level), Building 12
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA


Tool Talks With WITec

Join us for a tool talk with WITec to learn about the advancements of 3D Raman Imaging technology.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019
12-0168, MIT.nano (basement level), Building 12
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA

Tool Talks with Semilab

Join us for a tool talk and live demo with Semilab to learn about the advancements in electrical and optical characterization technologies.

Thursday, November 14, 2019
12-0168, MIT.nano (basement level), Building 12
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA

Tool Talks with Arradiance

Join us for a tool talk with Arradiance to learn on the advancements in the ALD technologies.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019
12-0168, MIT.nano (basement level), Building 12
60 Vassar Street (rear)
Cambridge, MA