Welcome to the first weekly construction update notification for the MIT.nano project. The project team is looking forward to working closely with the MIT community over the next four years as this new facility takes shape in the heart of our campus.
These updates will be issued on a weekly basis throughout the duration of the project. We will provide a two-week look ahead outlining projected activities. For each of these activities we will note any associated effects, including noise, dust, vibration, or odors. There may be occasions when the construction activities will cause inconvenience to your research, teaching, studies, or work. Our goal is to provide you with timely information to help you plan and manage your daily activities during the construction.
Site fencing installation
One of the first activities starting on June 9 will be the installation of the site perimeter fencing. The red highlighted area below represents the approximate location of the fencing. For the first 2-3 weeks the perimeter fence will consist of temporary panels. This allows us to maintain a controlled and safe area while we continue to provide access to Building 12 occupants who are moving to other offices. The permanent perimeter fencing will be installed once the building has been vacated at the end of June.
Door closures & pathways
Entrances onto the newly established construction site will close on June 9. These include doors in Main Group buildings 4, 8,10,13,16 and 24.
Blue dots indicate doors that will be closed for the duration of the project.
Dashed blue lines indicate pedestrian pathways.
If you have issues or concerns please email us. Should there be an issue needing immediate attention during normal construction hours, please call Travis Wanat at 617-258-7687.