Annual Research Report Abstract Submissions 2024

The research abstracts are not to be thought of as abstracts that you might submit to a technical conference in your field. On the contrary, these abstracts should be written to an audience of technically savvy readers who are not experts in your field.

As a result, the abstract requires:

  • Sufficient context explaining the general field of application
  • The problem that you are trying to solve
  • The impact of identifying a solution
  • High-level technical description of significant methods and techniques
  • Avoid too many details
  • Give a sense of some results that you have obtained and their relevance

Abstract Guidelines

  • 300-word maximum if you are including figures; 450-word maximum if no figures. 
  • Rich Text Format (.rtf) document required. (template) It is important to submit your document in this file format with unformatted text and no embedded styles. 
  • Submit image files separately using the fields provided on the abstract submission form.
  • Space is restricted to a 3.5-inch × 6.5-inch space for figures and captions; we suggest no more than two figures.
    • Note: Abstracts will be published in color, and thus they should contain 1-2 attractive color figures to draw readers to your abstract.
  • Cite no more than three publications to include as “further reading” material. Please do not cite references within your text.

Consult the abstract style sheet and template for more detailed guidance before submitting. Contact with any questions.

I have submitted this abstract on the MTL site for the 2024 Annual Research Report.


Select a category for your abstract:

* The Microsystems category includes: 

  • Biological, medical devices, and systems
  • Circuits, systems, and power electronics
  • Data processing
  • Electronic, magnetic, superconducting, and spintronic devices
  • Machine learning, neuromorphic computing and AI
  • MEMS, field-emitter, thermal, fluidic devices, and robotics
  • Nanotechnology, nanostructures, nanomaterials
  • Nano- / micro-scale imaging
  • Photonics and optoelectronics
  • Quantum science and engineering


Please submit your abstract at the MTL submission site: 

Upload abstract

Point of contact

Your name

Author name:
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: rtf.
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, eps.
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, eps.
One file only.
20 MB limit.
Allowed types: png, gif, jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, eps.
My advisor has approved this submission. I understand that this may constitute the prepublication of my work. I will keep that in mind when applying for patents or submitting findings to journals.