NNCI Etch Symposium Program

Homepage Registration Abstract & Poster Submission Travel Sponsorship

This program is tentative and subject to change. Please check back regularly for updates.

Session Themes: 

  1. Device-driven plasma etch challenges
  2. Advances in atomic scale processing
  3. Advances in Cryogenic Etching
  4. Plasma characterization, diagnostics, and manipulation
  5. Modeling, artificial intelligence, and machine learning for plasma etching
  6. Sustainability in plasma etching 

Monday, June 30

Venue: MIT Media Lab, 75 Amherst Street, Building E14, 6th Floor



8:00 AM

Registration & Breakfast

9:00 AM

Opening Remarks

9:10 AM


9:40 AM

Session 1A

10:20 AM

Break & Networking

11:00 AM

Session 1B

11:40 AM

Sponsor Showcase

12:20 PM

Lunch & Networking

1:40 PM

Session 2

3:00 PM

Break & Poster Session A

4:00 PM

Session 3

5:00 PM

Walk over to MIT.nano

5:10 PM

MIT.nano Facility Tours & Reception


Tuesday, July 1

Venue: MIT Media Lab, 75 Amherst Street, Building E14, 6th Floor



7:30 AM

(Optional) MIT.nano Facility Tours

8:00 AM

Registration & Breakfast

9:00 AM


9:40 AM

Session 4A

10:20 AM


11:00 AM

Session 4B

12:20 PM

Lunch & Networking

1:40 PM

Session 5

3:00 PM

Break & Poster Session B

4:00 PM

Session 6

5:00 PM

(Optional) MIT.nano Facility Tours


Wednesday, July 2

Venue: MIT Media Lab, 75 Amherst Street, Building E14, 6th Floor



7:30 AM

(Optional) MIT.nano Facility Tours

8:00 AM


9:00 AM

Panel Discussion

10:15 AM

Break & Poster Session C

11:15 AM

Panel Discussion

12:15 PM

Closing Remarks

12:20 PM


1:30 PM

 (Optional) MIT.nano Facility Tours 

2:00 PM

(Optional) Harvard CNS Facility Tour