Translational Research Day 2021—Apr. 27

Interested in learning about how research that spans translational phases leads to discoveries like the COVID-19 vaccines? Mark your calendar for Translational Research Day 2021. MIT MechE research scientist Micha Feigin-Almon will present, along with colleagues from Tufts.

Tuesday, April 27
9 a.m. – 3 p.m. EDT
Online via Zoom

Read more and register.

Tactile textiles sense movement via touch

By measuring a person’s movements and poses, smart clothes developed at MIT CSAIL could be used for athletic training, rehabilitation, or health-monitoring for elder-care facilities.

Cooling homes without warming the planet

The startup Transaera is using a class of materials, advanced by MIT Professor Mircea Dinca for over a decade, to create a more energy-efficient air conditioner.