The Future of Manufacturing—Mar. 2

MIT's Industrial Liaison Program (ILP) will present a three-part webinar on the future of manufacturing, March 2–4, 2021. Day one will feature, among others, a talk by MIT.nano Associate Director Brian Anthony on MIT’s ecosystem develops the future tools and approach for our future manufacturing needs.

Read more and register.

MA Center for Advanced Manufacturing webinar: NextFlex—Mar. 1

The Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CAM) at MassTech Collaborative together with the University of Massachusetts Lowell have initiated a webinar series for the NextFlex® Massachusetts Node. This second webinar in the series will feature two talks:

Talk 1: Advanced Manufacturing: Scalable Print and Roll-to-Roll Technologies
Talk 2: Carpe Diem Nano Imprint for Flexible Electronics, Optics, and Fluidics

Read more and register.

Tool Talk with CAMECA—Feb. 25

Join us for a virtual tool talk with CAMECA to learn about capabilities of atom probe tomography for atomic scale characterization

Thursday, February 25, 2021
11 am – 12 pm EST

Attendees can join via Zoom.
Meeting ID: 945 8610 0937

MTL Seminar—IBM analog hardware acceleration kit: A flexible & fast PyTorch toolkit for simulating ANN training & inference on resistive crossbar arrays—Feb. 24

The Microsystems Technology Laboratories (MTL) February seminar will feature a talk by Malte Rasch of IBM in which Rasch will introduce the IBM Analog Hardware Acceleration Kit, a first of a kind open source toolkit to simulate crossbar arrays from within PyTorch, to conveniently estimate the impact of material properties and non-idealities on the accuracy for arbitrary ANNs.

12 PM — 1 PM EST
Join via Zoom.

Decarbonizing buildings—Feb. 24

Join the MIT Industrial Liaison Program and the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) for a webinar on decarbonizing buildings.

Hear from Christoph Reinhart on subject framing and building retrofit opportunities, Caitlin Mueller on reducing embodies energy with a novel structure, Les Norford on advanced heat pumps, and Yang Shao-Horn on the future of building energy.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021
10:00AM - 12:00PM EST
Read more and register.