Growing MIT.nano: a community update and conversation

MIT.nano will hold a community update and conversation on Wednesday, February 12 to share what's happening at MIT.nano. Join us at 1 p.m. in 34-401 to learn what's been accomplished during our initial year of preparation and find out what comes next!

Note new time and location.

This event will also be webcast. Learn more and RSVP.

Talk SENSE—MIT.nano Immersion Lab: Updates & Opportunities

Learn about the capabilities and vision of the Immersion Lab for AR/VR and visualizing data. Share your feedback on what tools and functions you'd like to see! Lunch will be provided.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020
12PM – 1PM

Growing MIT.nano: a community update and conversation on Feb. 12

MIT.nano will hold a community update and conversation on Wednesday, February 12 to share what's happening at MIT.nano. Join us at 1 p.m. in 34-401 to learn what's been accomplished during our initial year of preparation and find out what comes next!

Note new time and location.

MLA-150 maskless aligner—final stages of installation

The new MLA-150 maskless aligner is being qualified by Heidelberg engineers during the final stages of the installation! The tool represents a key element of Fab.nano’s optical lithography capabilities.

DSM Science & Technology Award 2020 Call for Nominations

Royal DSM and the ACS division of Polymer Chemistry (POLY) invite nominations for the DSM Science & Technology Award 2020.  The theme for the 2020 award will be Polymers for a Sustainable Future. Nominations are open to current PhD students and those who have recently obtained their PhD at a university in the Americas.