
Massachusetts Microelectronics Summer Internship Program—Apply by Oct. 15

Are you a first year or sophomore student interested in learning about microelectronics and hardware? Apply to the Massachusetts Microelectronics Summer Internship Program. No experience required!

The Massachusetts Microelectronics Summer Internship Program is looking for the next generation of microelectronics leaders.

This 10-week program will not only provide you with an impactful and fulfilling internship, but also with an industry mentor through the duration of your studies, weekly training modules on key topics of microelectronics and leadership, and an amazing cohort of like-minded students looking forward to lead the next revolution in technology.

The application deadline is October 15, 2022. Read more and apply: https://ma-microelectronics.org

Fall course—6.2540 Nanotechnology: From Atoms to Systems (formerly 6.S059)

Led by EECS Assistant Professor Farnaz Niroui, this undergraduate course introduces the fundamentals of applied quantum mechanics, materials science, and fabrication skills needed to design, engineer, and build emerging nanodevices with diverse applications in energy, memory, display, communications, and sensing. Focuses on the application and outlines the full progression from the fundamentals to the implemented device and functional technology. Closely integrates lectures with design-oriented laboratory modules. 

Read more and register.

J-WAFS Call for videos: MIT research for a food secure future

October 16th marks World Food Day, an annual reminder of food system challenges and the need to secure healthy and nutritious food for all. To acknowledge World Food Day 2022, J-WAFS is having a video competition showcasing the exciting food and agriculture research being conducted by students across MIT. The competition is open to MIT undergraduates, graduate students, post-docs, and recent alumni with research in this field!

Submit your video by September 27!

Job opening: MIT.nano seeks research specialist

MIT.nano is seeking a research specialist to join the state-of-the-art microscopy and characterization shared experimental facilities (SEF). This individual will be supporting the facility’s characterization capabilities for a broad range of applications and sample preparation. The main responsibility will be to support users in the day-to-day operations and hands on training in the advanced cleanroom metrology and imaging equipment.

Read more and apply.

The Engine Blueprint Program—Apply by Aug. 12

The Engine Blueprint is a nonresident program for graduate students, postdocs, and research scientists to explore the commercial opportunities of their scientific breakthroughs. The program is designed to give future Tough Tech leaders a chance to learn the entrepreneurial process from those who are living it, as well as provide a platform to crystallize the commercial potential of participants’ startup concepts.

Read more and apply.

PowerMEMS 2022—Abstracts Due Aug. 9

The 21st International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS 2022) will take place December 12-16 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

The objective of the PowerMEMS Conference is to catalyze innovation in micro and nano technology in support of power/energy generation, conversion and storage applications as well as micro/nanosystem-enabled energy-efficient applications.

Read more and submit an abstract.

Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship’s Pitch2Match—Apr. 27

Calling All Entrepreneurs! The Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship’s Pitch2Match event will be held on Wed April 27, 6:00 pm at MIT E51 Wong Auditorium. 

Sign up to pitch or just attend and hear all the presentations. Then network & connect following all the presenters. Space to pitch is limited so sign up early! More details and signup link here: https://entrepreneurship-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/pitch2match/.

START.nano 2022 Call for Applications

MIT.nano is now accepting applications for the 2022 START.nano cohort. Participating startups will have access to tools and other advantages that can help them develop their prototypes, validate the data, and position their companies for the next stage of growth. Read more and apply by January 14.

Spring 2022 course—2.S981 Engineering of nanoscale materials

The spring 2022 course 2.S981 Engineering of Nanoscale Materials, taught by Prof. Jeehwan Kim, is chance to learn about low dimensional materials: engineering principles and most updated progress/applications of graphene, transition dichalcogenides, quantum dots, nanotubes, nanowires, and thin films.

Read more.