Extended fab hours begin July 27

As MIT approaches phase 2 of the research ramp-up, Fab-12 and Fab-39 will be returning to the full pre-COVID schedule of operation starting on Monday, July 27, 2020.

Reminders about new gowning procedures

As we enter week 5 of the MIT.nano ramp-up, our technical team is evaluating how the new gowning procedures have been working out, and what we can do to improve them.

Nano Explorations Webinars, Week of July 13

Tuesday, July 14New frontiers in THz quantum cascade lasers by Ali Khalatpour, PhD, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science (EECS)

Thursday, July 16Building neuromorphic computing units with battery materials by Juan Carlos Gonzalez Rosillo, Postdoctoral Associate, Materials Science and Engineering (DMSE)

Join virtually via Zoom.

A wizard of ultrasharp imaging

To oversee its new cutting-edge electron microscopy systems, MIT sought out Frances Ross’ industry-honed expertise.

Scaling up the quantum chip

MIT engineers develop a hybrid process that connects photonics with “artificial atoms,” to produce the largest quantum chip of its type.