Laser micromachining vendors & services

MIT.nano asked on Labnetwork about laser micromachining and received many great suggestions on vendors and services. See the list with links in this post.

Manufacturing Principles: Theory, Research and Practice—Sept. 9

MIT.nano Associate Director Brian Anthony will join Prof. David Hardt, Industry Co-Director Jose Pacheco, and Arjun Chandar, Founder and CTO of IndustrialML for a discussion on the "Principles of Manufacturing," a set of elements common to all manufacturing industries that revolve around the concepts of flow and variation.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM EST

NanoBio seminar: Excitonic devices based on 2D semiconductor heterostructures—Sept. 2

Andras Kis, Associate Professor, EPFL
Laboratory of Nanoscale Electronics and Structures 

In this talk, Kis will demonstrate how, by using MoS2/WSe2 van der Waals heterostructures, we can realize excitonic transistors with switching action, confinement and control over diffusion length at room temperature in a reconfigurable potential landscape. 

September 2, 2020
1:00 p.m. EST

Part of the NanoBio Seminar Series.

New Semilab SE-2000 Spectroscopic Ellipsometer at MIT.nano

To expand thin-film measurement capabilities available to its researchers, MIT.nano has acquired a Semilab SE-2000 Spectroscopic Ellipsometer. The instrument has been installed and qualified in the third-floor cleanroom in Building 12, and is now available for training and use.

Welcome new users!

We are able to get new users into the lab, but COVID-19 precautions have made some trainings more challenging or lowered the throughput. Thus, we’re in the middle of changing our orientations and make trainings more scalable.

Fab.nano Happy-Complaint Hour

MIT.nano is looking to explore new feedback mechanisms for Fab.nano, both in bldg. 12 and 39. Every Wednesday evening (6-7pm), MIT.nano staff will host a 1-hour combination of “small comment session” and “social” hour.