MIT.nano staff prepare the soft lithography space As part of the facilities ramp-up, MIT.nano staff test the soft lithography spin coater. June 10, 2020
New MLA-150 at MIT.nano awaits calibration The new MLA-150 in Fab 12 is awaiting the coater/developers to begin calibration runs and get it ready for users. June 9, 2020
Engineers put tens of thousands of artificial brain synapses on a single chip The design could advance the development of small, portable AI devices. June 8, 2020
MIT.nano staff conduct site survey of utilities In preparation of the phase 2 tool move from Building 39 to Building 12 that is starting later this fall, staff and contractors are conducting a site survey of utilities. June 8, 2020
Gas monitoring system sensors replaced Routine maintenance tasks are being completed at MIT.nano before the lab ramp-up, including replacing sensors in the gas monitoring system. June 8, 2020
AIMS Photonics Academy Roadmap Meeting The AIM Photonics Academy Roadmap meeting will take place June 8 & 9, 2020.Hear reports from each of the Technology and Application Working GroupsAsk questions and determine critical issues for the next 5 years and the next 20 yearsParticipate in the breakout groups that validate the TWG Attribute Tables and timelines
MIT startup wraps food in silk for better shelf life Cambridge Crops develops an edible, imperceptible coating that might replace plastic packaging to preserve meats and produce. June 5, 2020
Transparent graphene electrodes might lead to new generation of solar cells New roll-to-roll production method could enable lightweight, flexible solar devices and a new generation of display screens. June 5, 2020
Replenishing personal protective equipment (PPE) at MIT.nano Gloves and other lab supplies are arriving at MIT.nano to replenish the personal protective equipment (PPE) that was donated in March. June 5, 2020
Preparing lithography spaces for ramp up MIT.nano staff are preparing equipment for the ramp-up of the Fab.nano lithography spaces. June 3, 2020