Raith EIPBN online user meetings June 1-4

MIT.nano Consortium Member Raith is hosting its EIPBN online user meetings between June 1–4, 2020.

During these meetings, attendees will learn about features in their Raith instruments that can really benefit their community, hear about the latest with the Raith products and company, and meet members of our engineering, applications, service, product management, and sales teams. 

Read more and register.

MIT.nano user meeting: The path to reopening

MIT.nano staff presented a user update on May 21, 2020 to discuss the current state of the labs, cleanroom, and equipment; ongoing work; equipment updates; and how the team plans to ramp up following the COVID-19 shutdown.

The Intersection of SSCS and AI: A tale of two journeys

Today’s technology landscape is dominated by the inescapable excitement of applications and possibilities enabled by artificial intelligence (AI). The timing could not be riper given the availability of big data, sufficient computing capability, and new machine learning techniques. Hear from two professors on how they see circuits applied to the AI realm.

May 26, 2020 at 11 a.m. EST

Vivienne Sze, associate professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT
Boris Murmann, professor of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University

Register here.

Swift Solar: Startup with MITEI roots develops lightweight solar panels

Swift Solar, a startup co-founded by Joel Jean PhD '17, is developing lightweight solar panels based on perovskite semiconductors. MIT.nano director Vladimir Bulović, a science advisor for Swift Solar, says "The inventions and technical advancements of Swift Solar have the opportunity to revolutionize the format of solar photovoltaic technology."

Read more here.