Broadening samples/materials on RIE-2Chamber-AMAT-P5000 MIT.nano will be opening up the RIE-2Chamber-AMAT-P5000 to samples without metal. Read more in this update. April 24, 2023
Miniscule device could help preserve the battery life of tiny sensors Researchers demonstrate a low-power “wake-up” receiver one-tenth the size of other devices. April 24, 2023
Vaccine printer could help vaccines reach more people The printer generates vaccine-filled microneedle patches that can be stored long-term at room temperature and applied to the skin. April 24, 2023
AI system can generate novel proteins that meet structural design targets These tunable proteins could be used to create new materials with specific mechanical properties, like toughness or flexibility. April 20, 2023
The Spin Doctor: Danna Freedman Designs Novel Molecules for Possible Quantum Applications Chemistry professor and 2022 MacArthur Fellow opens a door “into a real field that has real potential.” April 20, 2023
In the MIT.nano Immersion Lab, Capturing the Movements of Dancers Has Wide Applications Characteristics of motion in dance can illuminate what it means to be efficient or fatigued in other domains. April 20, 2023
Moving perovskite advancements from the lab to the manufacturing floor U.S. Department of Energy selects MIT to establish collaborative research center for optimizing the development of tandem solar modules. April 20, 2023
Nanoparticles provoke immune response against tumors but avoid side effects In a new study, immunostimulatory drugs slowed tumor growth without producing systemic inflammation. April 19, 2023
Wearable patch can painlessly deliver drugs through the skin Using ultrasonic waves that propel drug molecules into the skin, the patch could be used to treat a variety of skin conditions. April 19, 2023
Even as temperatures rise, this hydrogel material keeps absorbing moisture MIT engineers identified an unusually absorbent material that could be used for passive cooling or water harvesting in warm climates. April 18, 2023