MIT’s top research stories of 2022

Popular stories this year covered the detection of radio signals from space, a new battery design, immigrants’ entrepreneurial activity, and more.

MIT Admissions blog: Making solar cells in 6.2540

"Arguably more important than the technical details is that 6.2540 is the only technical class i’ve ever taken which has left me feeling genuinely hopeful and optimistic afterwards," said undergraduate Vincent in this MIT Admissions blog post about the class—nanotechnology: from atoms to systems.

Read more at MIT Admissions.

MIT.nano holiday schedule

MIT has announced a holiday closing period again this year from Monday, December 26, 2022 through Monday, January 2, 2023. Thanks to several staff members who have volunteered and offered to come in to keep the MIT.nano fab open and restocked, the fab will be open on a limited basis. See the schedule in this update.