The tenured engineers of 2022

Fourteen faculty members have been granted tenure in five departments across the MIT School of Engineering.

Deep learning with light

A new method uses optics to accelerate machine-learning computations on smart speakers and other low-power connected devices.

Making quantum computers more accurate

PhD student Alex Greene studies superconducting quantum computing systems while rounding out their busy schedule with water sanitation projects.

Innovating at the Inflection Point: Creating a Better World—Nov. 15 & 16

Together with partners in industry and government, MIT faculty and researchers continue to seek compelling problems where MIT innovation can make a transformative impact. Join MIT ILP's annual Research and Development Conference to hear from MIT researchers, MIT Startup Exchange entrepreneurs, and global business leaders dedicated to innovating to create a better world.

MIT.nano Associate Director Brian Anthony will lead a day two session on "Immersive Technologies, From AR and VR to the 'NameYour'-verse, Fact Fiction Future".

Read more and register.