Cleanroom as classroom

Undergraduate classes provide hands-on introduction to nanotechnology and nanoengineering at MIT.nano.

Education & workforce development for the U.S. microelectronics industry workshop—Feb. 3

MIT, SUNY, and RPI invite you to take part in a workshop focusing on the challenges in the education and workforce development pipeline for current and future microelectronics manufacturing and design in the U.S.  This workshop will examine current semiconductor education efforts – what has worked, where we are falling short – and how the U.S. can innovate to expand, diversity, and better prepare the semiconductor workforce.

Read more and register.

Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) 2022—Jan. 25 & 26

The Microsystems Annual Research Conference (MARC) is a long-running event celebrating the scientific achievements of students and staff pursuing research at the frontiers of micro/nanotechnology at MIT. Co-hosted by MTL and MIT.nano, MARC brings together students, postdocs, faculty, and industry partners.

This year, MARC will be held virtually on January 25–26, 2022. Register here.

VIDEO: Imaging atoms at Characterization.nano

In the basement of MIT.nano there is a specialized microscope able to image materials at the atomic level. In this video we go through each step of how to image the tiny building blocks for all materials: atoms.

IAP 2022: Mission innovation program dual-use ventures: Navigating both commercial & defense markets—Jan. 19-21

From the MIT Innovation Initiative, this non-credit IAP course helps technology startups navigate early-stage challenges in market research, use cases, and federal funding opportunities. It will provide insights into navigating federal funding opportunities while working within the commercial marketplace so that tech founders go from $0 in revenue to $1,500,000 in defense contracts over the course of 24 months.

Read more and register.