Nano Day 2023: Celebrating 5 years of MIT.nano

Happy Nano Day!

October 9 is National Nanotechnology Day—the day that celebrates the potency of the world at the scale of one nanometer, 10-9 or one billionth of a meter.

Every year, we celebrate 10/9 to shine a light on the potential of nanoscale discoveries and innovations to help solve some of the biggest challenges facing society today. This year, we have another reason to cheer—the fifth anniversary of MIT.nano.

In celebration of five years of serving our community, MIT.nano is releasing five videos for Nano Day 2023. The videos showcase our three main facilities—Characterization, Fab, and Immersion Lab—look back at where we started in 2018, and celebrate the MIT.nano community of 2023.

Watch the videos in this post!

Tool talk with Heidelberg Instruments Nano—Oct. 26

Join MIT.nano for a tool talk with Heidelberg Instruments Nano to learn more about enabling novel devices with the NanoFrazor, followed by lunch and a live demo.

11 a.m – 12 p.m.: Seminar
12 p.m. – 1 p.m.: Lunch sponsored by Heidelberg Instruments Nano
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.: Live demo of the NanoFrazor in MIT.nano's first floor cleanroom

12-0168 (MIT.nano basement)

Read more and register

DMSE Career Fair—Oct. 20

Step into your future at the DMSE Career Fair—a showcase of innovation in materials science and engineering. Discover opportunities in energy, electronics, health care, transportation, and more as employers seek talent for full-time positions and internships. Open to undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs.

Read more.